Product Photography Maximized for All Channels

A consistent brand needs consistent imagery in all channels.
People are visual creatures and in Ecommerce the quality of your images defines you. It’s the wardrobe your brand wears. It’s the car your brand pulls up in. In short, it’s how shoppers judge you.
If someone is exposed to your marketing efforts or lands on your home page and sees low quality images, guess what. That’s the exact way they will feel about your products and your brand — dated and low quality. Not good for sales.
How to achieve more engaging, dynamic and exciting product photography that will shine across all channels.
High quality photography requires an emphasis on light and texture. High resolution, super crisp and color correct imagery. Most shoppers may not know exactly why they find it more appealing, but they do. When this effect happens it makes a huge difference in brand appeal. Furthermore, this subconscious perception creates more credibility and purchase confidence.
To get a shoppers attention and pull them through the customer journey straight to the shopping cart, you need to have great images at every touchpoint. These touchpoints include Lifestyle/Editorial for use in brand-based marketing, Product/Editorial for direct response digital advertising (Email/Display/Social) and PDP (Product Detail Page) images for onsite shopping.
When you use more images on your product page that look similar to images used in your marketing channels you achieve brand consistency. Shoppers feel a sense of comfort when all images along the customer journey feel cohesive. You know, that feeling you have when you’re in the right place, and a good place. In addition, having this variety of image styles (hero/mood/lifestyle) will allow you to create more dynamic PDP pages.
At Ripen, we work with our partners to establish a well thought out brand & marketing strategy and media plan. This translates into a specific shot detail list for each product. This allows for a very efficient shoot providing you with assets in each channel. Product Detail Page, direct response digital advertising and brand-based marketing. As we like to say, you’ll be able to “shoot once – use many.”
As a value add, our studio team is able to adjust the framing of a concept in a way that will allow for images to be exported in various framing ratios. For example, 1:1 ratio for social media and 16:9 ratio for web placements. Ratio Review:
- 1:1 ratio is ideal for Instagram and is best used to showcase image composition.
- 16:9 ratio is ideal for use in a wider area. For example, web page hero locations allowing headlines, copy and CTA (Call To Action) buttons to be placed over the image.
Often multi-channel images are created in completely separate production channels. Ripen’s expertise in creative production makes it possible to provide a high aesthetic singular production channel that can output for all types of photographic needs. We deliver enhanced PDP images through better lighting, composition, resolution and detail shots. This approach allows images from the same product photography production to be used effectively in marketing campaigns and brand editorial.
But instead of us going on and on in words about images, let’s let the images do the talking.
High Beauty
Bossy Cosmetics
Platinum LED Therapy Lights
Our studios create highly engaging ecommerce photography that drives digital growth and strengthens brand loyalty.
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