Anything the Middleman Can Do, Can You Do Better?

With the current saturation of ecommerce retailers, it’s essential to keep costs competitive. Instant online comparisons can make or break a sale. So how do you hold the lowest price without sacrificing the quality your customers count on (and make a little money on the way)? We’ve been noticing an interesting trend in that area. More and more, ecommerce companies are cutting out the middleman and his fees. This has allowed a more personal branding and a more convenient service to the customer. Now, you as the service provider can monitor quality and make changes more quickly. Here are a few successful techniques and the ecommerce companies that champion them.

1. Brand it “you”

While existing, recognizable names carry a lot of value, licensing can cost a lot of dough. ecommerce companies like Warby Parker, Monoprice and Julep have lowered their costs by removing unnecessary fees from outside sources and asking customers to take a chance on their newer brand names. They may not have the recognition of a more familiar company, but at a fraction of the cost, they’re a good deal for both parties.

2. Deliver it yourself

Amazon is building more distribution centers across the country. It is also beginning to rely more heavily on its own delivery trucks, squeezing FedEx out of a cut. Similarly, Walmart has been shipping online orders from its retail stores for years, but they’re rolling out an even cheaper plan to fulfill them. In-store lockers have been introduced that allow customers to pick up their order whenever they like. It’s more convenient and affordable for both the company and the customer.

3. Get rid of excess

Children’s clothes store Lolly Wolly Doodle started when entrepreneur mom Brandi Temple started selling extra clothes she had sewn on eBay. Four years later, they are the largest employer in North Carolina. Among its unique offerings it a “just-in-time” manufacturing system. Orders are sewn after they have been placed, ensuring no excess stock. Even better, the customer gets a personal product that has been made especially for him/her.

There are hundreds of suppliers and services you can use when assembling your product strategy. Although it is convenient to rely on them, creating your own services can slash fees and make you stand out from your competitors. If you want something done cheap, you have to do it your self.

Ripen Services:

At Ripen, we’re all about unique answers to tough problems. Whether your company is looking for ecommerce web development, social media marketing, a fresh creative campaign, or boost to site performance, we are ready for the challenge. See our work and custom solutions at Ripen.


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